EWC Household Worship

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"...it is unlikely that exposure to the church once or twice a week will impress your children enough with the greatness and glory of God that they will want to pursue Him once they leave home.  This is why family worship is so important.  But even more importantly, God deserves to be worshiped daily in our homes by our families."                  - Don Whitney

There are many parents who rightly feel the weight of their God given responsibility to be the primary disciplers of their children.  They know the importance of demonstrating their faith at home and teaching their children the Word of God in their home.  However, many of those same parents aren't sure exactly where to begin or how to lead in household worship.  To this end, we want to make available this resource to aid you as you strive to fulfill the greatest responsibility God has given you as a parent- discipling a future generation of worshipers! 

The EWC Household Worship Guide is appropriate for all ages and all households- whether single, married with or without children, or all-children-grown -and-out-of-the-home households.  It isn't just about discipling, it is about being a worshiper of God through out the week!

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